Q-In your opinion, how is Facebook and Google+ different or the same?
A-Well from the rumor mill they seem similar. Google seems to be on the more sophisicated side though. It is invite only as of now and testing it out. They came out with video chat and Facebook counterattacked and launched their video chat. I think they launched it quicker than what they wanted but they needed to so they wouldn't lose users. http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/research-innovations/stories/facebook-video-conferencing-will-businesses-like
Q-How many users does Facebook have? Why so many? Why did Facebook overtake MySpace?
A- Facebook has over 750 million users. They have accumulated so many because it started off exclusive. Only college kids. I remember when my brother had one and I asked if I could make one and he said no becuase I wasn't old enough. Human nature is when someone tells you to not do something you are going to. It made me when want to join even more! Facebook had more to offer than Myspace. It didn't have all the "ghetto" labels that Myspace did. It seems like myspace was for music. you can't change your background or make a dumb name like "lovely lady" as your display name. I mean I guess you could but it doesnt seem to happen.
Q-Do you think Google+ or any other social media will overtake Facebook?
A- I don't think Google+ will. I think it might give users something new to see but they will stick to Facebook. It has so many advertisers and media behind it I don't see it slowing down for a while. But like everything is technology its here today adn gone tomorrow. As long as Facebook keeps innovating I don't see it having a problem at all.
Q-Why do you feel there is such an obsession with Facebook? Do you think this obsession is warranted?A-I think there is an obession with Facebook because secretly everyone is a stalker. My boyfriend and I have talkked about this before. Its not to check out or keep up with friends. Maybe for some but its to see what people are doing and how you can be better than them. Girls would be the prime suspect to this. Girls will see what girl is talking to the guy that she likes or is with and will poost status's about them. Or will write on the guys wall to see that he is taken or they hung out to get other girls jealous. Personally I find it silly. I have never done that or even thought about doing it. It is almost being able to have access to anyone and everything as long as you know there name. Its really scary once you start to think about it.
Q-What was your perspective of the film overall?
A-I thought the film was great. I knew that Facebook was in the courts for something but didn't know the details. Im sure like every movies some of it was fabricated but I believe it was good acting. I liked the main actor in his movies. I find him sarcastic and witty the way most young people are.
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